These are before and after pictures of Red Cove lake. Before spring, on Mother's Day to be exact, when everything was brown and dry and spring was only anticipated.
Then, yesterday, look at how lush and green the tundra is. The tundra is just dotted with these tiny flowers and here are a few shots of what you don't see unless you are looking down while you're walking.
Some of these will give way to moss berries later on in the summer or early fall. Another delicacy to look forward, too.
After an extremely busy 10 days, numerous after hour calls and little to no sleep, the full moon phase has passed and life has slowed a bit here on the island. I finally got out to do some walking this weekend and enjoyed the warmest weather we've had so far. It hit 61 degrees yesterday and I thought this view and scene was interesting. Warm day, beautiful sky and then this low lying fog..made for quite a breathtaking picture.