Saturday, October 24, 2009

A First for Everything

Today we woke to the island covered in the first frost.....Unga dusted with the first snow....and on my hike to the ridge today....I saw my first buffalo!!!!!!! Actually I saw 2!!!!!!

The days are getting shorter and for the past few there has been quite a nip in the air. It has taken on a colder feel and the damp cold weather is making my legs ache. Today I woke to seeing snow on Unga's peaks and as the sun came up, I noticed the mainland was wrapped in a white blanket high along the mountain ridges.

Denise and I had planned to hike to the area I call Buffalo Ridge today, but due to an unforeseen problem, we could only take a short hike together to Sand Dollar beach and I went alone to the ridge.
As we walked along the bluff, we saw low lying clouds around the mainland and other islands and remarked there was probably snow in them and headed this way.

I've spent a small fortune getting the gear I need to hike up brands known for warmth and hiking..Patagonia mountain guide pants, silk thermals, down filled vest, head gear, good hiking boots, a trusty trekking pole and a lightweight backpack......I was warm right down to my toes...except my fingers...I failed to get good gloves and the little brown work gloves don't hold up to the frosty wind up high.

The puddles were frozen over and the tundra was hard and crunchy as I walked along. What had been a slick muddy mess a week ago was now frozen and getting ready for the hard winter chill not so far away.

The higher I climbed, the windier it got and I finally had to put on all my extras.....extra windbreaker, extra hood, extra face protection, and an extra pair of cheap little brown gloves. Still with 2 pair on my fingers still felt frozen and made me think next time out, I bet I have warmer ones.

When I got to the top where I was headed, I found an outcropping of rocks and got out of the wind to eat my lunch. Cold salmon patties, granola bars, and a chocolate egg left over from Easter.

Boy, what I would've given for a cup of hot chocolate with a bunch of marshmallows right now....

As I was snacking, I looked out and thought I saw something white float by my face. Surely not!!

But surely it was.......snow flakes!!! It was snowing on me and I could hear it hitting the frozen ground and rocks all around me. It was so quiet and peaceful up here, I know Denise would've loved this and I said a silent prayer...maybe next time.

The little specs on my camera bag are the snow flakes that fell. The clouds looked like they had mist or rain in them but dropped these little delicate flakes on me instead. Yes, it was oh so cold, but it was so nice to not be wet and cold....
As I walked along the ridge, I was able to look ahead and be scanning the horizon for anything that should move....and lo and behold......I did see movement. I nearly threw my backpack off as I fumbled for my binoculars to see if I was really seeing what I thought I saw.......Yes!!!!!!Yes!!!OMG!!!! A buffalo, no not just one, but 2 on the ridge off to the north.....Oh my goodness.....I almost cried, they looked like fleas to the naked eye but the binoculars allowed me to watch them graze, hold their head up and walk was so cool!!
If I would've had a phone, I would've tried to call someone and tell them what I saw...I was on cloud nine. This was my fourth trip up here; how many trails and miles did I walk down below to catch a glimpse of anything, even poo or tracks; and now, I was watching 2 just hang out on the ridge and graze like they had nothing better to do.
I sat and watched them until my eyes hurt. I felt like I had accomplished a great task. I had!! I had hiked for 2 hours to get up to the top of this ridge, my fingers were cold, my nose was running and my face burning from the wind. All this to see a buffalo? Of course, what else would you do to enjoy another Aleutian adventure?!