Monday, November 2, 2009

My view from here

This is the view from my living room window that I get to look at every morning. Now, somedays I have to have faith those mountains are out there cause it is so foggy, rainy, or cloudy I can't see them. But when the sun comes out, what a breathtaking view. I really like living upstairs cause I get such a better view of everything.

If I look left out the same window, I can see the clinic from here (building on the far left) and it takes me a full 4 mintues to walk there. Providing of course there isn't 50 mph wind, otherwise it take about 7 minutes to get there. If I cut straight through the alders in front, it takes only 5 1/2!!
From the clinic parking lot, I get to look at this view that leads me home. That's Buffalo Ridge in the background. My apartment is the right building, top floor. The landing going to my 2nd floor doubles as my porch, and I sit in my $40 lawn chair and watch the moon come up, star gaze or just watch Battle Mountain. Very peaceful and protected from the elements.

Not only are the eagles and ravens in abundance, but we have a lot of ptarmagins here, too. You have to look close to see this one almost camoflauged in the tundra. They turn white in the winter and this one is in mid change. Some people here hunt them and wouldn't you know, they say it tastes like "dark chicken."