Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Leaving Anchorage

Well, my time here in Anchorage is drawing to a close and I am going home tomorrow. I have enjoyed the time off, the training and especially the terrain and trails in my backyard at the suite. I did bush shopping and shipped myself more necessities like hazelnut creamer, cooking supplies, and of course new shoes....it was so nice to be able to be fitted and find the shoe that actually fits and works for me....yea right, any excuse will work for me and my shoe fetish.....

The trail behind the suite was just beautiful. Packed snow and cool crisp air made this a haven and a most enjoyable walk. Even though I ran it once, the uneven snow and occasional slick spot made for a treacherous run, so I stuck to walking out here.

The walk along the creek was so peaceful and I wonder if the people living on the borders here realize what a jewel they have in their back yard.

As I peered into the trees, I could just imagine a moose watching me back and noticed my steps picked up in speed just a bit. It was kinda spine tingling thinking there could be animals out here bigger than a squirrel eyeing me without my suspicion.

Everyone had a dog or two and this seemed to be just one spot they could come and enjoy the partly sunny day. It was good to see so many out despite cold weather, even some little dogs were bundled up and wearing booties.

What a remarkable winter wonderland as I headed to a less traveled area; the snow packed limbs hung over the trail and seemed to tuck me in in a snow covered hug. The solitude was refreshing and I couldn't hear or smell traffic or the hubbub just on the other side of the tree line.
As I hit the end of the trail, I veered right and just like a pedestrian on a busy sidewalk, I looked left to watch for traffic and ......whoa nelly!!!!!!!! did I see some traffic or a skier?...was that a dog?..... a squirrel? No way.....it was a moose!!!

A young calf that had been spotted a few days ago in the field got even closer on the trail and took a break from chewing to let me take it's photo. I really picked up my pace here and every so often, looked back, not to see how far I had come, but how much distance was I putting between me and the little guy that was bigger than my car rental........Bullwinkle!!