Monday, March 15, 2010

The Year in Review

It all started with a broken heart and a prayer to find direction in my life. And hence, the dream was born and took off literally "on wings and prayers." I shared my dream and asked my church for prayers and boy did they pray for me. God moved in such a way I didn't have time to blink or rethink what I was doing and off to Alaska I headed.
March 15th is my one year anniversary of living in Alaska. Hard to believe isn't it? I thought I would take you on a journey down memory lane and relive some of my favorite memories and photos of the year.
Deb, Wes and Chelsea took me to the airport in Little Rock and after hugs and kisses and a few tears, I turned and walked through the security gate into the adventure of a lifetime. I arrived in Chicago and had a 3 hour layover and kept looking at this sign and pinching myself, asking "is this for real?" The answer was yes of course, I wasn't nervous, I was so excited I didn't mind the 3 hour wait and looked forward to every step of this journey.
I spent a week in Anchorage with orientation and then on the first day of spring, I flew to my new home for the next ?? years. This was my first view of Sand Point and as we approached even closer, out to my left a bald eagle was circling and I took this as a very good and warm welcome.
And here is my marker and proof..I have what??
My belongings were here, I unpacked and in no time at all, I was all bundled up and walking around my new neighborhood. The weather changed on me during this 2.8 mile loop from clear and cold, to windy, snowing and colder.
Just for fun I shot this self shot (my Grandma's favorite picture of me) and there the tradition began. Pictures of myself to prove I am really here, not for your sakes, but for mine. "O Lord, help thou my unbelief."

Easter morning as is our tradition back home, we have sunrise service. So here, I wrapped up and headed out to have my own sunrise service. I shot this view off my front porch and headed out to the bluff.
This was the only shot that turned out!! My batteries died on my camera and I was disappointed until I was gently reminded I was out here to worship the "Son who rose" not the sun rise. Amen, point taken again, Lord!

Chelsea came out in June and we enjoyed a fun filled week in Anchorage and touring around. My favorite time was the white water raft trip down a river in Denali. That's Chelsea (left front) screaming like a girl, me next to her laughing as usual and our friends for the day. What a blast!!

Flat top was beautiful and we enjoyed walking around enjoying the scenery and the gorgeous day. How was I to know this was the warmest I was going to get until August?

The summer was beautiful, the wild flowers in such abundance and the days were so long. The sun didn't set until 1-2 am and I even had to put towels under my door to keep the sunlight out of my room at night.
I explored every beach within walking distance and was on the hunt for the buffalo every time I went out. One of my favorite places to visit was Salmon Ranch. Easy access and a view that never failed.

And Pavlof and the Sister volcanoes were ever watching me on my adventures. When I can see the tips of either one peaking out over Unga, I know it is going to be a good day and I pack up and head out.

I made it to the other side of the island several times and even found those buffalo on two occasions. One from afar and the other from way to close and this was when the Arkansas Razorbacks left their mark on the island.

Red Cove took on a different look in the sunset late in October. The snow on the peaks tells me winter is coming and bringing new challenges with it. The wind, the snow, the fatal plane crash off our runway later in January.

New Year's morning and the setting of the full Blue Moon. What a great way to start the day, end the old year and begin a new one all in the same outing.

Since new Year's day, we have had some great hiking weather in between more snow than anyone has seen in 5 years and the bitter cold of the gale force Aleutian winds. Also some of the most spectacular sunsets and full moons I've seen in a long time.

A trip to Anchorage in February and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, NO wind and beautiful trails here recharged me to come back to the island for the rest of the winter.

Even though the snow is still hanging around, the icicles are beginning to melt from the roofs and the skies are a most brilliant blue, reminding us spring is coming. Yeah, the winter was harsh here as it was everywhere I imagine. But, spring always comes, seasons change, people change, time heals and God restores.

What a remarkable year I've had. What did I do to deserve such blessing and favor? I am an ordinary girl living out a most extraordinary life. All because of a dream and the desire to just get out there and do it....I miss my friends and family, but they like you are with me every step of this journey and I am waiting to see where this Aleutian adventure takes me next.
Are you still with me?