Sunday, April 18, 2010

A trip home

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I made a long awaited trip back to Arkansas for a 2 week visit and to get warm. I can't remember having 2 weeks off for anything except maternity leave, so this was long overdue if I should say!

I visited friends, ate, cleaned, ate, hiked a little and ate some more. Not a thing had salmon in it (thankfully) and I think I consumed half a cow in the form of steaks, burgers, ribs, etc..

I got to spend a great day with my kids and their significant others hiking beautiful Petit Jean Mountain and going to the famous Cedar Falls waterfall.

What a gorgeous day, low 80's light breeze, no gale force winds and LOT'S of trees for me to enjoy.

We had a blast and I think I could've walked all day. Hiking the mountains on the island keeps me in shape and I could've easily out walked these children of mine.

My little boy got tired and even had to be carried part of the way......

His girlfriend must really like him..........I don't even like him that much to offer such a ride!!

Just kidding, I do too, I love that twerp!!

My daughter and the "pooch" faired much better and neither one had to be carried, not even for a minute...

What a great day with the kids, friends and Charlie aka the Queen..

If the island had the trees and was about 20 degrees warmer, it would be hard to pry myself away.......................but since it doesn't, I can always go home and soak up the beautiful state of Arkansas and all it has to offer!! Thank goodness for the gorgeous weather and NO TICKS this trip!!