Saturday, October 9, 2010

Taking the Ridge

I know, I know!!! It has been way too long since I posted and my followers are getting on me for not keeping them up to date with my shenanigans! A million apologies and here we go gain!

After my Mom left, I have had a couple of great breaks in the weather and have needed to get out and really stretch and challenge myself. Today, was that kind of day. I could see a little snow on the tip of the Ridge and there wasn't much wind, so off I headed for another trek. I had plans to walk to the other side of the island, where my friends Thai and Katie had set up a stone monument and where I too had added a rock for my presence as well. So I loaded the back pack, took three different sets of gear (anticipation of the Aleutian weather will save your life), grabbed a few snacks and up I headed.

The weather started out clear skies with a few scattered clouds, but nonetheless beautiful!

Won't be long before those mountains are thick with snow and you won't see any ground until May or longer.

The Ridge has a light powder on it and this should make for an easy hike, the ground frozen and hopefully not slick up there.'s calling my name!

Found a great rock to lean against while I took my first break and had a snack. I had left word with my room-mate where I was going, took the radio and did not plan to be back until late afternoon. I had headlamp, GPS, flashlight, matches, food, water, and several pair of extra socks....just in case...

Sitting here, I watched these mysterious clouds float over the water and seem to consume the boat out there, but seconds was gone. I wondered what low lying clouds they were...fog, snow, sleet, rain...what?

Up here though, I had clear skies and a huge funnel cloud approaching..unlike the deadly ones we have back in Arkansas to be sure.

Half way up and the self photo to prove I am here. This time, I have two pair of gloves and am decked for whatever the weather should bring.

Nearly to the other side of the island I see another cove I haven't made it to, yet. Fox Hole this one is called. So far, it took me 3 hours to get here and when I did a radio check to pick up signal, I was at 1270 feet elevation and coming in loud and clear. Good to know..

Ahhhh, at last..the monument, called Katie's Point. Thai named it that, no one knows what I am talking about, but he knows where it is when I tell him I've been there and done that. A few of the rocks had blown down in the fierce winds we have, so I added them back and tucked another one in there for me. I sat with my back to the wind, ate my lunch/snack and just enjoyed the view.

I was probably only 1/4 mile from this shore, which is the other side of the island, but it looked full of alders and was bushwhacking all the way. I made myself realize that I had to walk back every step and I had already taken 4 hours to just get here! So I was content to just sit and revel in the beauty of the neighboring Shumagin and Nagai Islands.

I had my back to the ridge and when I decided it was time to head back, as I stepped out from behind my wind break wall, I saw this ominous thing in my path.

Wow, where did my blue sky, go?
Remember that cloud that overtook the boat earlier and my question, "I wonder what that is?"

Well, boy-howdy did I find out quick!!

White out!! Snow and sleet pellets blinded me and on came the extra gear. Looking back, the Ridge just seemed to fade right before my eyes.

But it didn't disappear. Two minutes later and it was history and all I had left were the drops melting on my coat to prove something had just happened.

I've learned to respect the weather, the terrain and even my instincts up here. If I get a tingling sensation in my gut, it usually alerts me to changing conditions and time to be extra careful.

I am Mom, I promise. I have figured out the best gear is a little pricier than some other stuff, but up here, literally your life depends on it. That and a lighter and broad-band radio are necessities, too.

As I am heading home, the clouds are turning grayer and I am getting tired. I am not sore, my feet and legs have carried me only wish??

Grilled steak and portabello mushrooms waiting when I get home!!

No such luck on the steak and shrooms, but I did have a great day of hiking to the other side. No buffalo in sight but I know they are there and soon the hunters will find them, too. When they discover my tracks up there, they may wonder who was crazy enough to walk all the way up here??

Why me of course, what else do you do with what you have been given? Good weather, good shoes and a gift of nature when you take the Ridge.