Monday, December 6, 2010

Walking in a Windy, Wintry Land..or trying to at least

After about 3 weeks of call and that many days working in a row....I called it quits and said the heck with this...and bundled up for a walk along the bluff today. The temperature is hovering around 32 with gusts of wind 30 mph but the sun was therefore I had to go out, too.

We've had snow and freezing temperatures that froze the tundra and just powdered the ground, but that wind....whew!! That is tough! The only time I ever feel skinny is walking out here along the bluff and an occasional gust catches me off gaurd and sends me grasping for a good foot hold.

Every once in a while a few snow or sleet pellets would hit my face and sting, but for the most part, I am warm as toast in my layers and down.

Looking back on Sand Point, it really is beautiful terrain and the fresh air out here makes me forget the long days I've had..and am going to have before relief gets here. Also I never know what the weahter is going to be like, so any break I can get, I take it.

I feel like I was out on work release or good behavior and got to spend a little time out here, but seeing the sunset behind Unga Island made it worth the very short while.

The walk along the bluff is always breathtaking and today in the cold and wind, it was no exception.

Whether I am looking towards Buffalo Ridge or over the harbor to see Pavlof, the view never disappoints and it helps refresh my soul and mind to get ready for another few days of nose to the grind. Then I am off to Arkansa for a few weeks of good, ol southern comfort!

Looking up at the Ridge, I wonder when I will get up there next? Probably not till next year. Oh, well, that's only a few short weeks away isn't it?

Then like all good things that must come to and must my walk along the bluff....if only for a time. As I turn back to the van, the sun salutes me one more time and slips behind the mountains and the wind drives me home.