I finished my contract for Eastern Aleutian Tribes and decided I would see what the rest of the state had to offer for an adventure seeking Nurse Practitioner from the south. SO, I packed up, shipped all my rocks and stuff home, and layed low for 3 weeks for a well deserved break, warmth and some quality time with family. I then boarded a plane and came back to the great state and wound up in Naknek by way of King Salmon.

So here I am, Aleutians I am not, for an 8 week site visit. Already I have walked along the beach, picked up a pocket full of rocks washed up from Bristol Bay, and experienced this heaven forsaken beast called a VAN that is half Mercedes and half Dodge...totalling one big POS!!!

The beach here in Naknek is clearly marked.......individuals claim rocks for their boundaries for fishing permits.....let's see someone try to move it!!!
The beach is even used by vehicles for shortcuts through.... the beach?!?