Sunday, May 17, 2009

If we cleaned we didn't have to cook!

Spring clean up was fun and it looks good along the road way and to some extent the yards. I guess they have a full year to get ready for next year, cause the cans have miraculously appeared on the road side again over the weekend. Imagine that!! Local businesses and the City Council donated the food, the police department cooked burgers and dogs, and the local businesses sponsored the raffle and the prizes. There were bikes, food, haircuts all kinds of things in the raffle. I even one two prizes, the hat and coffee cup!! Wooohooo! I won something!!

It was a busy weekend at the clinic. We had to Med-evac a patient out Saturday after suffering injuries in a fall and I learned a whole new process on getting patients out to Anchorage for emergency care or surgery. After we made a call to Anchorage, it took about 2 1/2 hours for them to gather the team, get the jet ready and then fly 571 miles to our airport. After they were brought to the clinic, they only spent about 30 minutes getting our patient loaded and back on their way. Quite impressive and a good crew to have on our side!