Sunday, July 19, 2009

Med on call......

Three of the most dreaded words I hear and they will probably haunt me the rest of my life. I have a broad-band radio that I literally strap to my side and take to bed with me every night because I am on call practically 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Our clinic is open 8-5 Monday through Friday and then we have Saturday clinic from 12-4. How I wish you could order all the accidents and emergencies to fall between these hours, but that isn't the way it works around here.

We have had close to 20 after hour calls, 4 Medevac transports, and numerous burns and opportunites to practice our suturing skills, all in the last two weeks. The work is a challenge and the skills I am picking up are mounting. I guess this compares to working in an Emergency Room everyday, you never know what is going to walk, crawl or be carried into the ER next!

I haven't even had time to walk or even start my 4 wheeler in over a week. I tried my best to steal away for a brief walk today and brief it was. I no sooner got to the end of the airstrip and was enjoynig my ocean side sit, when the darn radio went off screaming "med on call" and I nearly fainted. I immediately tried to answer and lo and behold the battery had died in the beast and off I went running back to the van. Folks, I am a big fan of walking and hiking, but today this girl ran up a rock embankment, down a dirt road and drove right back to the clinic only to find out, someone just wanted to ask me a question....oh be still my heart!!

I worked up quite a sweat and just hung out the rest of the afternoon at the apartment afraid to get off the porch!

I did get a few shots of the salmon berry bushes along the road and the berries that are forming for the fall picking. I guess I will be learning a new skill soon...jelly making, berry freezing and berry that's gonna be the best opportunity of all.