Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Run for the Ridge

Today was Thai's last day at the clinic and we decided to make one more run for the ridge on the 4 wheeler to get a hopeful look at the buffalo before he left the island. Every day there seems to be a little more powder on the ridge than the day before and the weather is dipping into the 30's and hovering. Thank goodness there has not been much wind and the sunshine has been SPECTACULAR!!!
Of course the days are getting shorter so when we headed out after work, we didn't have long to stop and smell the tundra before hitting the trail hard to get to the top before the sunset.
Among Thai's talents of being a great Physician Assistant, an Antarctic expedition guide and a mountaineer, he is also a very safe and careful 4 wheeler operator. He borrowed my bike and made probably 10 trips up here in the three weeks he's been here working with us. I braved a ride with him several weeks ago in the rain, mist and fog and it left a lot to be desired. But today, I couldn't help but get excited because it was so nice outside. Cold, but nice..
We got up here in time to get in a few shots of the snow frosted peaks, frozen tundra and a good look around to see if we could spot buffalo. Lot's of frozen tracks, nothing warm except the engine of my bike.

How do you describe the array of the colors we saw in the night sky? Orange, pink, blue, black, gray....all melding together at just the right time...made by the stroke of an artists brush that left nothing but perfection and one wondering in awe...."How mighty the Creator!"

We had fun hamming it up and adding another rock or two to Katie's point, where another friend had visited a few weeks ago. She too is in awe of the Alaska wonders and is enjoying her own adventure in Adak, truly at the end of the Aleutian chain.

Pavlof in all it's majesty stuck it's head out of the clouds and let me capture the beauty surrounding it. You might be able to imagine the splendor but I can't even describe what goes on in your heart when you see this with your own eyes and you listen to the absolute stillness and quiet around you. No trains, planes, dogs barking....only quiet beauty and such calm.....ahhhhhh you could just stand here and look forever.........or until you have no light left and then it's time to head down.
In the daylight, these places are beautiful in different shades of brown and gold and green. But this night view brings so much more to life and takes on a new beauty that is just breathtaking.
Funny, after we got back down the mountain, it didn't even dawn on me that we hadn't seen a buffalo or even remembered to look for them after the sun started setting and the sky began it's light show.
At least I know they are here, I've seen them if only from a distance. But oh what journeys I've had so far and what journeys are yet to come. Who knows, I may not come up here again until spring, but I can sure look out my back door and know without a doubt what beauty waits up here on the ridge.