Thursday, January 28, 2010

Crazy about those full moons

After the week we've had, I desperately needed to get out and get some fresh air and solitude near the mountains and the beach. No better place to head than the trail along the bluffs and no better time than the rising of the full moon.

I love full moons, and here I can't seem to get enough of them. Maybe cause the weather is so unpredictable and I am not guaranteed I'll get to see it every month. And maybe cause I am a little crazy since I decided to take the walk in the moonlight and just enjoy this time out. So, I had a friend dump me out at the end of New Dump Road and I walked the bluff back home.

We have a little snow hanging around and the temps have stayed in the low 30's. Not much has melted and it made for easy walking since the tundra is still frozen and not a slick mess. Buffalo Ridge in the background has a good covering of snow and as soon as Buffalo season is over, I'm gearing up (with a dog and radio this time) to visit it again.
The days are getting longer and even though the sun was setting, I still had plenty of light to make my way along the trail without headlamp or flashlight.

The colors are beautiful in shades of brown, rust, white and of course the Aleutian Blue of the water and the sky, especially at dusk.

Half of these shots are sheer luck they turn out. My glasses are transition lenses and turn dark in the least amount of light. So, even with the sun setting they get inky brown and I can't see what I am aiming at. The view box on the digital camera is so dark, the majority of time, I just point the camera and take the picture, hoping for the best. That's another reason I take so many pictures, surely one out of 10 will turn out, and sometimes I get real lucky.

There wasn't much wind and it was rather warm, around 36 degrees, so I felt like hanging out as long as I could. Now is when I wish I had a deck and a chiminea to sit outside with a fire and just watch the moon work it's magic on the tide and my head.
Funny, for as long as I've been in the medical field (over 31 years), we learned to dread full moons cause of all the crazy things that happen in ER's or the hospitals. Well, I've never feared them, only revered them. If the full moon affects the tides like it does, why wouldn't we think the full moon would affect us as much? After all, our bodies are 80% water....some of us more than that at times!
As usual, I love to look back at how far I've come when I am out walking and when I looked back tonight, I was reminded of one of my favorite books I read to my kids when they were little..."Harold and the Purple Crayon." Harold had many adventures like I have had so far and when I saw the moon behind me, I was reminded of the repeating line in this favorite children's book.................

"and the moon went with him"