Thursday, February 25, 2010

Live, Love, and Laugh....out loud!!

The "girls" got together tonight to party one more time with Kelli before she leaves the island. Our idea of party however might not be the same as yours, but we like to get together, laugh, eat, laugh, tell stories, laugh, and laugh some more.....

From left to right: Mini Aleut, Jessica, Razorback (that would be me), Little Mini, Kelli, and The Big Aleut (Kelli gave us all nicknames and they fit each one of us...and stuck.)
Kelli brought lots of smiles, laughter and spark to our group and of course her signature...scarves....
So naturally, when we met for dinner tonight, we all donned a colorful scarf in honor of her and did our fair share of laughing, smiling and eating, of course.

Kelli and Mary posing in their lovely scarves and Kelli in the earrings I made for her...lovely aren't they....I meant the girls....and their smiles.

Oops, Jessica blinked, but she and Cathy hammed it up and had a ton of fun, too.

Here's Mary and Mami saying cheese and taking a break from laughing to enjoy a pose.

A little blurry, but we had one last pose together before we left Denice and Wendy to clean up at the Harbor Cafe and enjoy some peace and MUCH quiet after we left...

Kelli, Oliver and weren't here long, but it didn't take long for you to all find a place in our hearts and in our memory forever. Zoe is not forgotten, for without her, how would Kelli and I have gotten this mis-matched, wacky, fun friendship together? When I visit her spot, I will remember all of it with bitter-sweet tears.

Oliver, I love you and will miss you so much. You have Lulu now to take care of and I wish you much love, laughter and happiness!!

Lot's of love to you all,