Thursday, March 11, 2010

Alaska's Deadliest Drip

A glittering reminder of just how fierce the snow storm and winds can be around here and what it leaves behind.

Jagged sparkling icicles hang from the clinic roof and catch the brilliant sunlight in the clear blue sky. Luckily the icicles are not over the walk, lest they should break loose and fall, causing damage to anything below.

Don't let the blue skies deceive you, for as brilliant as they are, the air is still quite bitter. It got up to 12 degrees today and fair winds only about 10-12 knots. It was 9 degrees when I walked to work all bundled in carhart bibs, down parka, gloves and today I even used a scarf over my face. I didn't feel cold from the neck down, just my cheeks and face burned like I was being sand blasted with the bitter cold wind.
The winds drive the snow and rain sideways at times, leaving these interesting and curved daggers for our viewing pleasure. They look like the teeth of some prehistoric animal lurking over the edge of the clinic roof, waiting to devour anyone in their path.

The snow is still brilliant white and 2 feet deep in places. The drive is finally starting to melt in places, but it is a pretty slick sheet of solid ice that makes even stepping out of a vehicle dangerous let alone walking on it.

The trail out in back of the clinic has a lone set of tracks on it, not many people at all are out in this bitter cold. It sure is beautiful and I get out as much as possible despite the cold to walk and take pictures and just breathe the freshest crispest air I've ever felt.

The mainland has a lot of snow up high, but still not much close to the shore line, probably not as much as we have right now. Funny, there is only about 3 miles between this island and the mainland and how different the terrain and snow accumulation.

The peaks have a good frosting on them and the Aleutian Blue of the water is stunning as usual. I never am far from a beautiful view and the sunset tonight surely didn't disappoint either.

It was close to 7:30 pm when I took this shot, the days are getting longer and the sunsets seem to be more spectacualr in the winter months.
Hard to believe I have been here almost a year. March 15th will be my one year mark and I am still as excited today as I was a year ago packing to come out here.
My how time flies, children grow, the landscape changes with the seasons, but I am still in awe of the timeless beauty left behind and the ageless Creator who made it all.