Sunday, March 28, 2010

Eagles advantage

Another gorgeous day and I took two new comers out for a welcome hike.
Dr. Ken Lim, the dentist, Evan, my neighbor for the summer, my faithful 4-legged friend Cassanova, and I headed to Salmon Ranch on a cool, windless day.

As we neared Salmon Ranch, the eagles on the far cliff kept a good eye on us and seemed to be sunning themselves and enjoying the surf. There was a lone seal in the water and kept escaping our cameras, but was as much fun to watch just the same.

The eagles are in abundance now, with Trident off loading fish, they are scavenging the left overs and are getting their fill without having to work too hard for it. Unless of course they are fighting with the ravens for a good morsel, then the fight is on.

The young eagles are born brown and the older they get, the more mottled they become. They do not fully get the white feathers until they are about 4 or 5, then they are officially bald.

They let us get pretty close before they take to flight. Even Cassanova keeps his distance and knows to respect them and their turf.

As soon as salmon season is over in late August, they will dwindle down and disappear, probably nesting and having the young ones. Then they reappear again about January when it's nice and cold. It is very common to come home and see one perched on the apartment roof, or walk under a light pole where they watch with that ever angry looking stare.

I crawled under a few ice falls to get a shot of the beach from here. It was warm in the sun and the water was just gushing underneath these into falls, only to freeze again at night fall.

The tide was going out and I decided to take them back along the beach instead of the trails. This proved to be a workout crawling over rocks, scooting over ice and snow on our bottoms, and just hanging out like a bunch of kids. It was so nice out, we did anything we could to stay out and soak up the sun, the warmth and the fresh air.

This is the elephant rock, I can't see an elephant in it, but when in as the Romans...
so I too, call it the elephant rock.
We had a great day out in the sun and enjoyed the terrain as it is again changing. I've been here a year and it is exciting to see the seasons change and to tell the newbies about the summer and what is to come. I'm always eager to take someone new out and show them how beautiful this place truly is. It is even more exciting to wait in anticipation for what adventures I will be taking next, starting my second year in the Aleutian Adventure of a lifetime!!