Friday, March 20, 2009

Well orientation is over and the flight to Sand Point is in the morning. I got all my groceries shipped off and am stowing soup and granola bars in my luggage just in case I get there before food does. I will be out of cell phone radar until I get my house phone set up, so friends and family will keep up with me online till then. I didn't have time for car shopping while I am here, so I will do a lot of walking it looks like. I did get to do a little sight seeing today and went to the Ulu factory, the port and drove around looking at the ice break-up and took a few shots from around town. Anchorage looks strangely similar to Branson, except it is much colder here. 18 degrees today, but beautiful blue skies. I tried to download pics and I think my camera is fried....I get nothing but static, so in a state of panic I bought a new one today, so I will have to pray the old one didn't loose my pics.. and now I get to learn to use a new one:(