Sunday, May 31, 2009

Let the Fishing begin!

Every year before salmon season begins, Sand Point Church hosts a Fisherman's Potluck, a time of fellowship and fun for all ages. I had the good fortune of being able to attend, sample the variety of foods, take a few pictures and mingle with people I've not met before.
A camera around your neck seems to get you free food and fish around here. Of course I also brought a 4 layer dessert and a salad, so I contributed more than just my appetite and the photo shoot.
Food literally came out of the woodwork and young and old alike are fed, prayed for and sent off with well wishes and full stomachs.

I noticed the food arrived mysteriously, not many women to be found. Mostly fisherman attended by themselves as this was their potluck and a time for them to unite with their friends and fellow fishermen and mates. Leave it to the ladies of Sand Point and the Baptist church to have more than enough food to feed this small army.

If this is any indication what Thanksgiving is like around here, look out Hattieville Baptist Church, you have some competition going on out here. So far, I haven't found any Butter Finger Pie or fried catfish and hush puppies, but I didn't pass up baked halibut, salmon spread, or fish taco salad, either.

Bro. Dwayne (on right) and Ms. Freida have only been here about 2 months and have seen the congregation grow from 10-12 to 30-35 on Sunday morning. Not a bad record to triple your attendance in such a short time. I am excited to see the growth, but most of all to be a part of the ministering spirit of this church and the community.