Saturday, June 6, 2009

Daring Rescue at Sea (well almost)

I happened to be at the beach combing for treasures and caught pictures of a daring rescue in the bay. Well, maybe not daring, but a rescue nonetheless. A couple of kids took a skiff out, the engine stalled and began smoking. Luckily, they radioed for help which was more like screams and shouts at each other, but were soon towed back to the harbor safely. I wonder what their daddies are sayin about now?

Lots of vessels leaving for salmon season, which begins tomorrow. Big boats, tenders, and skiffs are moving about and the harbor was the busy spot in town. Men, women, children, and whole families have boats and take part in the fishing.

Some are left behind, not to be forgotten, but remain weather worn and dry docked for yet another season.

A few odds and ends wash up on shore; everything from drift wood, portions of old piers, huge chunks of metal, and even anchors.

A star fish and little crab obviously washed ashore and couldn't make it back out to the ocean after the tide went out.

I was thankful to get out and roam around a little. Today was the only day in a week that it did not rain, even had about an hour of sun break through the clouds. All in all, another Aleutian Adventure!