Sunday, May 10, 2009

What a Blessed and Happy Mother's Day

What else do you do with a friend on Mother's Day when your on an island, on a beautiful day, surrounded by mountains?

You climb the nearest littlest one! And this not-so-little one is called Battle Mountain aka skinny butt mountain. After church, Denise and I decided to treat ourselves to a mothers-day-out and we headed to the top like two eager kids.
Of course half way up I had to stop and take pictures. That point in the back is Suicide Hill, which is a mole hill compared to this beast we are trekking on. I was thankful to take a break, catch my breath and remind myself this was my idea! I also had to keep repeating to myself, "DON'T LOOK DOWN." Of course looking out was so inspiring, it was such an accomplishment to say I'd come this far, so up we went..
See, not to worn out I couldn't work up a smile. Don't worry Mom, I didn't get too close to the edge:)
In the background is Red Cove beach on the right and a fresh water lake on the left. They meet and are separated by a tiny strip of sand that holds out the Pacific Ocean. At least everything looks tiny from up here.

We had to ham it up a bit and play in the snow left in some of the crevices. It was about 40 degrees when we left, little wind and a perfect day to climb. And yes, that is the town in the back ground, see those itty bitty white dots? Yup, those are houses down there. Hi Sand Point!!!

And then the grand view from the very top! What a stunning view, everything is so intensely blue and rugged. It was such a great day to marvel at God's handiwork. We found left over bush/ground cranberries and moss berries, saw a few ptarmagin and lots of eagles from this point. Even came across some strange droppings, only later on did I do a google search... and lo and behold.....ptarmagin poop!! Hey, I told you I would share all my experiences with you, didn't I?
This was as close to perfect as any day could get. I wish my children could've been here to see it with me. I miss you Chelsea and Adam!!
I thank God for the beauty of this place, the friendships I've formed and the strength to go through my second child hood trees to climb, so I guess the mountains will have to do!!