Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rocks, rocks and more rocks

Took a new trail and found two more beaches that needed serious discovery and combing. I walked among the alder bushes and enjoyed a gorgeous day in the sun. The wind was pretty strong and chilly, but I am learning if I have any opportunity, I am out the door. I walked along some bluffs above Mud Beach and then found myself at Danger Point. Notice how the most beautiful places on this island also hold the most descriptive names (I wonder why?) I would've taken the easy way down to the beach, but I stood and looked over the edge and thought, hmmmm...I bet if I went real slow, scooted on my rear and took one step at a time.......yep, I made it down, safe and sound!

Ran into some kind of freaky looking seaweed creature with a really long tail...I would hate to have this thing move about now, wouldn't you? I had that thought on my mind as I walked a little farther and a REAL creature stuck it's head out from a rock and hissed at me and nearly scared me to death. We both hissed and retreated, him to his crags and me closer to shore! I think it was a weasel, little reddish brown thing too big for a rat, and too mean for an otter!!

Then on to the next beach, Sand Dollar at mid-tide. I searched for shells and ended up with pockets full of rocks. Petrified rocks that is. Look at some of the detail of the knots and striations of the used-to-be wood. Mary found the sand dollar and gave it to me and the unique shell I found in the ditch on my way home. Obviously left over from an eagle or raven lunch. All in all, it was another great day at the beach!!