Monday, August 31, 2009

Red Cove Lake

I caught a lucky break today when I woke and could see Pavlof volcano out my kitchen window. To us islanders, that means the day is going to be clear and get out as soon as possible and enjoy the weather, cause it may not last. And it usually doesn't.
So, I headed to Red Cove Lake after work, couldn't find my trusty 4 legged companion, so I went alone. Since I had been here 3 weeks ago I was prepared for swamp, muck and lots of water. But in those short weeks, the lake had receded 10 feet, the marsh dried tremendously and my walk was much easier and a little faster today. I got to the creek in time to catch a few salmon running upstream in less than 2 inches of water. Quite a sight to see.
I saw some different wildlife today, this oyster catcher and salmon jumping like flying fish out of the water in the cove. I am ever on the lookout for a unique photo and I am never disappointed here. This is the creek that runs from the lake into the ocean, no salmon in there right now.

Not only am I on the lookout for good photo shots, I am still searching for the buffalo. Last week I found tracks, this week I found a feeding and bedding ground and buffalo poo. I have been told if I ever get caught out here it burns real well for fuel and cooking...always good to know these things in advance.....

I am never bored with the scenery, it changes daily and I don't take my surroundings for granted. Somehow it just seemed proper to be thankful for where I was and let my Maker know just how I felt!!