Saturday, October 17, 2009

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood

I had the afternoon off Friday, so I did my usual...boot up, pack up and head out. This time I found a trail past Salmon Ranch that just kept going and going to who knows where......I walked for 2 hours and just stared at the scenery all along the way. One thing is for sure here on this island...there is not a bad view from anywhere...
The ocean seems to take on a richer, deeper blue the cooler it gets. The temps are hanging around 40's and today dipped to mid 30's but was sunny and no wind at all. I think I am getting acclimated to the weather, cause mid 30 here is not how I remember it in was down right cold there. But when the warmest it gets here is 60, 30 doesn't feel so bad.
The alder bushes have turned green to orange to brown and the leaves are dropping fast. Where the lush leaves covered the trails before, I can now see far ahead and through the branches.
I found all kinds of buffalo tracks, poo again and even a skeleton. I had to pick through it and take a few pieces home for souvenirs......I have quite the collection growing in my windowsills.

Even the beach driftwood looks like treasures to me and too bad I couldn't take it home, it would make a lovely yard piece!

This is the big petrified rock I found a couple of weeks ago and rediscovered today. Believe me, I tried to take it and add it to my collection.... but, it weighed at least 50 pounds and there was no way I could carry it, a buffalo skeleton (well pieces of one) and other rocks 2 hours back to my ride..So, pictures will have to do till I can get someone to help me carry it home. Can you just imagine shipping costs on this find?