Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Peter Pan and Jelly Sunday

No, I'm not talking about Peter Pan peanut butter and jelly sandwiches....I'm talking the Peter Pan pier and the 100's of jelly fish I saw washed up all along the shoreline on Sunday. The sun was out and on Oliver's last day with me, we went beach combing and walked along the shore where the old cannery used to be.

The old cannery was torn down over the summer and the pier was left standing and made for a great photo shot while I was out. We walked with the sun at our back and seemed like every few steps we were finding jelly fish washed up on the beach.
I discovered jellyfish are like finger prints and snowflakes, no two are the same. Each one was unique and had a different pattern, different shapes and some were completely see-through.

And then there were some that were just like blobs of goo, shapeless and lifeless.

The high tide seemed to have just brought them in and laid them gently and undisturbed on the sand. Me and Oliver liked to touch them (with gloved hand, of course), I prodded, Oliver sniffed and we played with them to see what they felt like.

There were a few lucky ones that were still floating in the water, waiting for their turn to journey to the beach for who knows what purpose.

There were even a few starfish that had washed ashore. I thought they were so interesting to touch and examine. What a shame they were dead, they felt frozen on the beach even though it was obviously warmer out here than the water.

No treasures to keep today. I thought about it though! When I thought about the stinky process of drying the star fish and what in the world would I do with them, I thought they were better off in the graveyard I found them in.