Monday, November 16, 2009

All squall and no whine

Despite the weather changing every 15 minutes, my flight out of Sand Point today was perfect!! Prayers were answered and I was overwhelmed at the beauty all along the way. This is the bluff overlooking Red Cove beach and the view of temporary sunshine we have seen for 4 days now.

Everyone at work was chiding me about not getting out today and I told them they either needed to pray for a break in the squall or there would be some whining..southern style!!

That would be loud, drawn out and never ending......

(I knew they wanted to get rid of me, so I think they started praying with me.)

As we headed what felt like straight up and did a U-turn, you can see the clouds already hitting the airport and the south end of the island.

Once we were over Unga, I could see how beautiful the skies were up here. Like that mountain I know is out there, sometimes obscured by the fog, rain, sleet and snow...I knew the skies were clear once we passed this shelf of bad weather.
The rugged peaks of the mainland are anything but inhabitable. As the sun was setting it cast a pink shadow on the snow and it was just breathtaking.

Once I landed in Anchorage, the temps dipped to 7 degrees, clear blue skies and no wind. I'm not sure I will be able to sleep tonight without the 5o mph wind rocking the apartment and howling me to sleep.
Knowing prayers were answered and I had safety of travel, traveling grace and a beautiful view, I think I will rest well knowing "He's got the whole world in his hands"...even you and me out here in this vast and beautiful wilderness!!
So, no whining for today and one leg of my trip home has started.

Good night everyone and God surely does bless!!!