Thursday, November 12, 2009

Heading Home

My bags have been packed for a week and are getting closer to the door. I'm leaving.............just for a break...not for good!! I head out Monday for a much needed break and training sessions.

I have to recert in ACLS Tuesday and Wednesday next week, then I leave for Chicago to visit Mom and the gang, then down to Arkansas to wrap myself in southern hospitality and ya'lls before I head back to Anchorage to attend a Diabetes conference. I'll be gone a total of three weeks and I probably won't get a lot of posting done here. Unless of course I decide to go deer hunting in Arkansas and get one, then you'll hear about it!! Deer are much more accessible than buffalo, don't ya know!

I'll have lot's of visiting and appointments to get to..I need my hair cut, a massage and a visit to the chiropractor. Lot's of hugs and laughter coming I'm sure......

I'll keep you posted, but everyone have a great Thanksgiving