Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Wind

I woke today to the first real storm of the season and the worst the weatherman says he has seen hit the Aleutians and the east coast. Category 4 hurricane winds, gust of 75 - 80 mph and rain hitting the windows, running sideways and UP the glass. The building is literally shaking on its foundation and I have prayed a protective hedge around myself and others here on the island.

When I first got here in March, the wind was powerful everyday and it lulled me to sleep at night. This doesn't feel lullish today, it feels fierce. Several weeks ago we had gusts 30-45 mph and the car door blew shut on my head and left quite a knot. Today I will be very careful lest I should loose my head completely and I am praying Oliver is securely anchored down when he goes out to potty otherwise he would wind up in Kansas!

Thank goodness the temperatures are only in mid thirties, otherwise this could be tough. This is where I can hear someone say "hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen the ride is about to get rough!"

I feel welcomed to the Aleutians!!