Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Home for Thanksgiving

After almost three weeks of travel and family time, I am back in Anchorage for the final conference before heading back to Sand Point Friday. Every where I've been, Chicago, Streator, Little Rock, Morrilton, Greenbrier...the weather was gorgeous and upper 60's with clear blue skies. I ate too much, walked to little, and have a lot of work to do when I get back.

I met new and old friends, family and new babies every where I went. Boy do things change and I realize it more I think since I am so far away.

As I was packing to go home, the critters kept me company and seemed sad I was leaving. Charlie on the left, didn't remember me at first and hurt my feelings, Lillie the new addition is just precious and never stopped wagging her tail. Jasper the cat, as you can see, really got attached and wanted to stow away and come back with me.

Nice to know I will be missed (if not my computer bag) at least...........

So.......wardrobe change was needed and the winter stuff I've been dragging around with me came in handy after all. It is bitter cold here, more manageable since there is no wind...I see on the news the wind is up to 40-50 knots around Sand Point, so I am psyching myself up for the drastic change yet to come. I do miss the island and am ready to head home. This was a great trip and I loved seeing my friends and family back home.....looking forward to my friends in Sand Point and getting out to do some hiking and loose this Thanksgiving fluff that I seemed to accumulate. Fresh fish sounds good and I'm sure the fresh air (even at 50 knots) will be a welcome home treat!