Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cassanova and Me

My neighbor has a new member in his house, Cassanova. Not quite what one would expect with that name, but this gangly grey hound-husky mix was my companion yesterday as I headed out on a GORGEOUS January day. I decided to hike the backside of Battle Mountain and wear out my own backside and Cassanova's, too. And that is exactly what we did.
The temp was only supposed to get to 27 today and I knew if I left as soon as the sun was up and shining, I could get a long hike in and really enjoy the day. So, I packed up, loaded up and we took off about 1045. Cassanova is new around here and this was his first trip out in the wild outdoors of Popof Island. We both had a field day and enjoyed each others company....and he certainly enjoyed my lunch of smoked salmon, cream cheese and crackers. I didn't share my cookies with him though, there is a limit to my kindness and generosity.

Below is the backside of Battle Mountain and what I think would make a beautiful 18 hole golf course. It has a ready made water trap and the tundra hills would help anyone with a handicap. Getting here might prove to be a challenge, but I'm sure Toyota could figure out how to make a 4 wheel drive golf cart for this purpose.
The spit below is partially frozen at the edges and the lake must be low cause the creek that usually runs off into the ocean is no where to be found. There was no wind and you could hear the waves break against the shore and it was so peaceful.

And of course the self-photo, to prove that I really was here and survived the trip. Cassanova loved it and was out like a light when we got back. I don't think he even had dreams of his adventure, cause he never moved a muscle the rest of the aftenroon.

All in all another beautiful day in the life of my Aleutian Adventure.
Thank you Lord for clear skies, a dog that minds and of course smoked salmon!!