Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1 Razorback versus 7 Buffalo

After the memorable New Year "blue full moon" beach trip, I headed up to Buffalo Ridge to enjoy a good hike. This was by far the most beautiful day we've had in over 3 weeks. It was clear, cool 32 degrees and no wind, so out the door I headed. My hiking buddy is in Hawaii (poor girl) and so I headed up here, not quite alone.

Pavlov and the Sister volcano were as clear as I had ever seen them and I felt as if they were watching over me as I walked. Even the eagle kept a close eye on me and circled over my head for a good 5 minutes after he took to flight. About half way up I took this shot just to show how little snow we have had. We seem to get more rain and if there is any snow accumulation, it doesn't last long with the warm temps and water fall.

I got to the top and I am still amazed at they sheer rugged beauty up here. And the smallness of the island when viewed from the ridge. But, the panorama view is just breathtaking and the surrounding Shumagin islands looked like little mole hills compared to where I am standing.

Even little Sand Point in the distance seems so far away. Hard to believe 2 hours ago I was down there looking up here, and thinking how every step was going to be worth it.

After taking all the photos this morning and so many more up here, this was the last shot I got off before my batteries died in the camera. I ate a snack of oranges, granola and string cheese and decided it was time to head down. It was a little after 3 in the aftenoon and I knew I had about 2 hours of sunlight left. I had brought a headlamp today, but I sure wanted off this hill before dark.
I no sooner got packed up and headed down this slope and I saw movement near the bluff down to the right. Okay, it was just a 4 wheeler, some of the guys are out hunting buffalo. Then out of nowhere came another, and another and another and then I realized those aren't 4 wheelers, those are buffalo! Seven of them and they are right in the trail I need to get down.
As you can see, there are no trees to climb, no rocks to hide behind (or under) and I had no gun, no radio, and a dead battery in my camera. Even in a crucial moment like this, I was thinking of the photos I was missing. But then my sanity kicked in and I realized "this is serious, those buffalo are big and in my path."
Well, I was told by a friend that the buffalo are more afraid of me than I of them and what in the world was I to do now? I thought about singing real loud and off key to scare them, and at this point I couldn't think of the words to "Kum Bay Ya" I was so scared!!

So, being the semi-faithful Razorback fan I was, I thought what the heck, so I called the "hogs!"
I let out the loudest "woooooooooooooo pig sooooooeeeeee" that was ever heard up here. It took another good call before the big guy out front stopped and turned sideways to listen and sniff the air. I kept looking at the time and kept coming down the hill to get off the ice and snow. I had to call the hogs 3-4 more times before he trotted back to be with the other 6. They still didn't know what the sound was or what I was.....they just knew I was flailing my arms in my bright blue shirt and I was making some awful noise.
Finally, they all took off down the tundra and disappeared into the alders. My 2 hour hike up turned into a 1 hour trot down and the only breath I stopped to take was to call the hogs..... just to make sure the buffalo knew I was still there.

Although not a winning score in any ball game, today I was especially proud of my home state team..........the Razorback took the Buffalo..... 1:7...and in record time!