Sunday, February 14, 2010

Anchorage in Winter

ATLS, no it's not a new translation of the Bible, but it has been the only book I've touched for the past few weeks. I am in Anchorage this week for training and this is the class I've waited a year to take and prepare for.

As a midlevel out in the bush of Alaska, we are the first source and most of the time the highest source of health care until we can get people into Anchorage for further care. So this class prepared and taught us how to do a rapid, systematic examination and skill set to take care of all sorts of trauma patients. MVA's, collapsed lungs, inadequate airways, burns, casualties, etc..

Probably one of the most intimidating classes I've been to. There were 4 midlevels (2 nurse practitioners and 2 physician assistants) and 12 physicians...surgeons, anesthesiologists, internists, emergency physicians, and family practice.

I have to say, I was treated as well as any of the physicians and was taught the same material with the same goal in no harm and prevent secondary trauma. I PASSED the skills and exam, now I pray this all comes back when I am faced with my real life exam.
This class was 12 hour days and by the time we got out at night, I was catching a glimpse of the sunset and wished I could've taken better pictures. But, today I have the freedom to roam and explore and I will after attending church downtown.
The roads here are snow packed and the sidewalks are buried under 2 feet or more of snow. The trees are beautiful and even though the sun isn't out, I think it is gorgeous. Only about mid-20's and bitter cold, no wind though.
I'm staying near a trail around a frozen lake and have been on the trail once so far. There are dog walkers, cross-country skiers, runners, walkers and even a moose calf. I didn't even see the calf when I ran past it and I was kindly informed by another woman it isn't safe to run with head phones on, cause you can usually here them walking or snorting and you need to stay out of their way.....thank you, that is one warning I do appreciate!

Hopefully I will be able to get out and do some sightseeing and photo taking before I head back to the island on Wednesday. I always love to come to Anchorage and enjoy the different seasons, but even in the ice and snow packed roads, the road rage is what usually sends me back to the island thankful the speed limit isn't over 35 there!