Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pecking Order

Just a friendly reminder that out here, as beautiful as they are, Eagles RULE! And they are scavengers, defenders, and just plain bad to the bone...especially buffalo bones!

My neighbor, unknowlingly, left these buffalo ribs outside to take to the trash later and before he knew it, the eagles had moved in for the ravage and the game was on.

I tried to take Cassanova home, but this guy was blocking the steps and I was not about to come near him or his prize. Cassanova got brave and tried to get a whiff and wound up getting hissed at and he, too, quickly retreated.

The young eagles gathered and waited until the mature guy had his fill and after he headed back up to our roof to let this digest, they all moved in. Within one hour, they had these bones picked cleaner than an after-Thanksgiving Day turkey and took off with bones in flight.

Eagles are as common around here as, well, ravens. Both are sacred birds and are highly esteemed and honored. I personally have a good dose of fear for them and keep my distance. When I am out walking around, it is never unusual to see one watching me from a light pole.

They seem to always be giving me the "stinky eye" and seem to have a mad expression on their faces.
Larger than life, they are as abundant as the sparrow is down south. These giants come and go around here with the different fishing seasons and never lack for a meal...whether they catch it themselves or find it laying around unguarded...then it's free game!! And the pecking begins.................