Sunday, May 2, 2010

Signs from God

Enigma [uh-nig-muh], according to the Webster's dictionary, this word means a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation......according to my life and experiences, I call these events "signs from God!"

Four years ago, I had a few signs that I ignored and wound up lost in the forest on horseback and eventually fell and broke my leg. Immediately those warning signs flashed before my eyes and I knew too well I should have paid closer attention to them.

Today, several occurrences took place and I was again reminded of the past and this old girl was not about to let history repeat itself at my expense.

I was geared up and ready to go to Red Cove Lake but had to make a quick run to the airport, drop off a vehicle, and load Evan up with me and a waiting Cassanova. I got to the airport first and waited and waited and waited for Evan, and finally a car drove up and out he popped.

His vehicle had run out of gas...sign #1. Then, when we went to find gas on a Sunday and no gas dock open, he couldn't find his keys or his wallet...sign #2.

Then, on the way to retrieve a potential gas can, Cassanova jumped out of the back of the truck and I either hit him or ran over his foot.....BIG SIGN #3!!!!

I immediately opted to return home, have a cookie and put my feet up where I knew I would be safe, and that is exactly what we did.
Cassanova was shocked and limped around a little and will probably be sore for a while, but thankfully nothing was broken....well maybe only his desire to jump from a moving vehicle!

I know these two were disappointed, but me....I may be slow....but I parked my boots and trekking pole by the door and waited for another day when the signs will be right and then we''ll head out and try it again!!