Sunday, May 30, 2010

Red sky at night, sailors sky in the morning, sailors warning

The only warning here today was "don't make your eyes bigger than your stomach!"

We held the annual Fisherman's potluck at Sand Point church tonight and had a great turnout. It's been the tradition here for years for the church to host an annual potluck to start the fishing season off with a feast and a prayer. It was nice to be able to help cook, set up and serve the fisherman in this way, cause no telling who might be bringing a fish to my door this summer.

Did I mention this is an island and all things function on "island time?" Even though we said it would start at 5pm, very few food items or people were here at 5 and some started to get a little ancy....

And then the food started coming out of the woodwork and so did the folks, returning fisherman and locals came to enjoy this get together.

There was such a great mix of food, from the traditional turkey and ham to the local quisine of halibut, salmon and one I've grown to pie! You just gotta try this!! Espescially Ms. Mary's.....mmmmm good!!

We had more food than we knew what to do with and even though many people took leftovers home and we still had left overs left over......reminded me of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes....we are truly blessed and a well fed island!