Friday, June 4, 2010


What a great view and a nice calm day to visit the beach. I had the opportunity to be out here Monday and kayak with a friend through these piers and down to the city dock. The water was like glass and if only we had all day and more people to go with.
The fisherman are getting ready to head out Monday June 7th for open salmon season. The boats you see here and in the harbor will slowly disappear and slip into the water for the short summer.

The Peter Pan Pier is a loading area for nets and a place for boats to dock and do repairs or run into town for much needed supplies. It's also a great spot to come to and take good pictures of the island across the bay, Unga, and the surrounding mainland of the Alaska Peninsula.

There is still snow on the mainland and probably a little will hang around the tips all summer long. All the colors make such a sharp contrast to each other and compliment each other in a pleasant way.
We were lucky to run into a fisherman docked out here and he explained a little about the types of fishing that is done; set netters, gill netters, seiners, etc...I am a see it and believe it kind of person, so I will have to have someone take and me and show me...preferably on a beautiful day like this...not sure how much attention I would pay, I would be so captivated by the beauty around me...I'd really have to focus, focus, focus..

And focus we did on Thai (R) and Kels (L) as they prepared to kayak over to Unga after work Tuesday. Both boats belong to Kels, I got to use the inflatable Monday and I sure wish I had the longer more ocean ready sea kayak like Kels...hint to self!!

Thai is a master of everything..kayaking, mountain guiding, hiking, antarctic exploring, etc... and we are so fortunate he comes to work with us every so often. It's like a party with a bunch of kids and we are always outside looking for the next adventure. And we are never disappointed. He gave us both pointers about how to better handle kayaks in open waters like this and how to climb back in if it rolls and how to avoid orkas and gray whale pods and sea lions all kinds of helpful hints like that!! Now I was really paying attention!!!

We stood and watched as they headed over to Unga, envious but grateful they get to go, every stroke! We watched them till they were tiny specs in out camera lenses....going......


gone......and there is Pavlof the volcanoe watching through the clouds......I felt they were safe in the shadow of this might icon. They made it back after midnight with many stories to tell about the trip, the exploration they did and the petrified rocks and treasures they found. And like a good couple of tourists, they took several home so they could add them to their rock collection from around the island. Kels held a smile on his face for days and I am sure when they think about what they did, that smile will automatically creep back into place.

What a beautiful view from the beach, but even better and more magnificent from out there looking up at the vast surrounding.

We stood up at the rock quarry to get a better view of the bay they were crossing and I took this picture of the harbor and all the boats here week this will look like a ghost town.
It was such a breath taking and beautiful day; it made me smile when my new friend Teresa looked at this and said, "yeah, I could live here!"
You know what is better than that? I do!!