Friday, July 30, 2010

How to celebrate your birthday...Aleutian style!!

First, I suggest you start your day off with a freshly picked bouquet of Aleutian wildflowers. Lupine, Arctic Paintbrush, Forget-me-nots, Cotton Grass and the ever popular Dandelion are local favorites. More importantly, they are conveniently located right behind the clinic so I can scoot out the back door and pick as many as I want.

Next, come rain or shine, gear up and head out side. Unfortunately I was not able to go to the neighboring island of Unga with another group today, I literally missed the boat. I waited for several hours for the call to meet at the Harbor and impatience got the best of me, so I headed out by myself and lo and behold they left 5 minutes after I took off! Drats, not a good thing, but not to worry, I still got in a good hike after all.

Then, it's nice to go visit some place deserted and familiar. So I chose Salmon Ranch.

I hung out on the beach and marveled at the unusual characters I stumbled across.

Mean looking jelly fish...that looked like a red wig floating in the water until I got closer and realized these were tentacles and this was probably not worth touching!

Then there was the benign looking clear jelly fish that looked safe.. from a distance!

A lone star fish just drifted with the waves and seemed content to go wherever he was washed.

And the odd bird that he is..the black oyster catcher, chirping and calling to the partner and warning me to stay away from his catch...

May have been cloudy and rainy, but the ridge still looks inviting even in the mist..

 hang out with some other REAL characters, I headed off to the final night of Culture Camp.

Ms. Mary is the one who taught me to bead in the first place and I have just taken off with it. Earrings, pendants, necklaces and even medicine bags and amulets. I now have a hobby and still enjoy making things even a year after learning.

This is an example of a Bering Head dress that will be worn for the dancing at the Culture Camp potluck Saturday night.

Another young aspiring beader and her medicine pouch. All hand sewn and beaded even the necklace.

And my latest endeavor, beaded amulets..this was hard and time consuming, but I learned several new stitches and will continue to try more..I am so fortunate to have great teachers who are willing to share this skill and hobby...

Then the finale...I got to watch a harbor seal get cleaned and dressed...not a morsel gets wasted and I even asked for the toe nails..what I am going to do with them I do not know, but I think they'd make a great addition to my window sill museum I already have loaded with petrified wood, shells, sand dollars and so much more...
What a great day I had, if the first 50 were this good, I can't wait to see what the next 50 unfolds!!