Friday, August 20, 2010

Bear Watching from the Bank

Russell Creek is a place I come to every night to do some bear watching and just get some fresh air. I am never disappointed with finding either. Tonight I was fortunate enough to watch these two juvenile bears frolic farther down the creek and playfully head towards me and my awaiting lens. (From inside the van with windows barely cracked and the doors locked!)

They would stop and catch a fish or two and seemed to pick dead ones up and eat what was left of the bellies; the part of the salmon with the most fat for packing on that much needed winter weight.

I wish I could have caught this from the front, how cute it stood up to look to see where the other one was..making sure it wasn't trailing along too far behind.

They even stopped to wrestle around and even rubbed noses.....awwwwwww....I can hear you say it now!

And closer and closer they came...this creek is only about 25 feet wide and I was parked on the side of the road hanging out the barely cracked window...I could see their teeth ripping into the fish, I could see the claws on those huge paws and I could hear them grunt and snort as they passed right in front of me, never seeming to care I was there. I am sure they noticed, but I obviously didn't appear to be a threat to them...or a treat locked inside the van!

And off they go....
Not even 1/2 mile down the road, I caught this young bear sleeping on the side of a hill. What he and I did not see was the big bear coming his way down in the tundra...then the wind shifted...

and somebody flew up and looked over there shoulder...catching scent of the big one in the breeze and off it went up and over the hill..

And then the big guy wandered up to the napping spot and cleaned up what was left of a fish and then took off after the little one.

The little guy stopped once to look back and then disappeared over the hill with the big guy chasing him all the way...right down the middle of the road!

I followed them with my binoculars till they were out of sight. I figured I better head home could one person be so fortunate to see all this in one day??

Only till the next time and we'll see what the day has to offer!!