Friday, September 10, 2010

Standing here in awe!!

When I headed out the door to go to work, this was the view I had from the parking lot and ran back to get my camera. This was something I wouldn't want to miss!

My neighbor was just returning from work and he asked if I wanted to go out and watch it rise and I said just had to out to Green Hill we went!

The air was slightly crisp with the fall breeze and the fresh smell of the ocean was better than any Starbucks aroma I've encountered.

Not even a magpie or eagle or gull flew overhead and the only sound we heard was the soft waves hitting the shore below.

In just a few brief moments, the colors changed to more brilliant pinks and purples and then orange and the sun rose right before our eyes and my lens.

I thought I heard a symphony playing as we watched the transition taking place and in the distance near the mainland we could hear crashing like cymbals and realized it was whales splashing..

and then the finale' and I remarked "how can you see this and not believe their is a God in heaven?" And He is an artist!

After all the rain and muck over the summer, it doesn't take many sights like this to make you forget how miserable it was. The fall and winter weather makes up for it and displays of beauty like this just make you hunger for more!

My mother is flying out here today, not a cloud in the sky this morning and no wind..what a blessing for her (and those of us praying for her safety) that she will have this gorgeous day to fly into and experience my Aleutian Adventure!