Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Bike Ride to Remember

A little bit of sunshine goes a long way here. If the days look clear and I am not on call...I am heading out. Do I ever do chores? Housework? Laundry? Yes, but only after I have had my fun in the sun!!

I took off a day during the week and decided I would take the back trails and hike to Red Cove the back way. I had to go by the reservoir and I was pleased to discover the family of swans sunning and swimming on this beautiful day.

It takes a good 2 hours to walk the trail to the top and for some reason I got a wild hair today and thought, "I bet it would be shorter if I just "rode" to the top on my 4 wheeler" I did.

It still took a good 1 1/2 hours cause the trail is more like serious 3-5 feet ruts and I had to pick and choose and crawl the bike through some spots.

I kept telling myself this was like riding a horse...then the sane side kicked in and said "no it's not, stupid" this is much harder and a little scarier. But, I kept at at and slowly but surely, I made my way up to the top........

Wow! What an accomplishment! I did a radio check and was heard loud and I was safe for another day. It was gorgeous, not much wind and so sunny...almost makes me forget about all the rain we had this summer....almost!!

I parked the bike and just wondered around taking pictures of the back of Battle Mountain.....

and Red Cove Lake from the opposite side I usually hike...but beautiful none the less.

I built a monument in honor of my Grandmother who died recently at the wonderful age of 97 and for my friend Bryce's father who passed away this morning....both will be remembered and missed and I think they would both agree this is a beautiful place to be honored!
Of course what goes up, must come down and that I did as well. I felt a good sense of accomplishment and a wee bit taller for doing this today. The ride as well as the monument.
And then, as I sat watching the swans in the fading afternoon, the young gosling made a spectacle of himself and beat the water with his wings as if to say "just because I can."

I may not be young anymore, but I sure do what I can. If my arms didn't hurt so bad from hanging on to the bike up and down this mountain...I'd beat them and flap my wings, too....just because I can and I did!