Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lost and NOT found!!

It all started with a coat..this one to be Cabela's breathable, packable, light rain jacket that I dearly loved...yes loved...and lost....with an iPod in the breast pocket!!

Lost, you say? Yes...out here amongst these alder bushes on an excursion with Kels and my Aussie buddy Dianna back in July.

This is the third time I have been out here looking for it. I came out right after I lost it when all the leaves were green and after 2 hours of looking, I realized I was about 200 yards from where we had actually all looked the same! The second time it was much more lush with growth and vegetation and all I saw, green, and more green. And all I found was nothing, nothing, and more nothing!

I thought I would have better luck when the leaves turned brown and fell off, so today, I tried again. Third time is a charm, right??


As I was weaving, tripping, and sliding over alders, rocks and moss, the only thing I saw out here was about a dozen eagles roosting in the bushes and ravens flying over my head trying to check me out.

As I was climbing up one ravine and down the other, I was reminded of my Grandmother's timber and all the exploring we did as kids. Except this isn't timber, it has no trees, is about 100 times as large, is much farther from my home and actually nothing like the familiar timber along the Vermilion River at Grandma's.

The rains and wind probably took my coat and blew it, washed it and floated it down the stream and I wonder if it is down there at Red Cove Lake or over to Unga somewhere????

After another 2 hours, I figured all was lost and I better head for the hills and find the trail up there.

Looking back, the sun rays were spectacular and all of a sudden, I was reminded there were more important things than a missing Cabela's jacket and an iPod.
I guess after seeing this beautiful sight and remembering I have 14 more coats and an iTouch at home, it seems I need to just chock the jacket up to lost..gone..buried...forever.

So I turned my course to the blazer.....

way over there, and headed home.

This is a look of satisfaction and peace rather than regret over the lost "stuff."

And the trail emerges and leads me back along familiar ground,

and beautiful scenery.

The signs of success...faithful trekking pole, sturdy day pack, and gorgeous weather rolled into one fine day.

Farewell jacket and may be lost and never again to be found...but you sure added to and were a great part of my Aleutian Adventure!