Saturday, April 25, 2009

I arrived in Sand Point March 20th and the weather was calm, partly cloudy and no snow (at that minute). But, I soon discovered the weather changes here faster than it does in Arkansas. It has been beautiful, cold, windy and the next thing I know, the wind is blowing 35-50 knots, raining sideways and snowing all at once. Things come to quite a halt when this happens. I have hiked to neighboring bluffs, trails, beaches, and harbors and I haven't covered 1/4th the island yet. The walking is good for me, I just have to figure out what to wear for at least two seasons cause the weather will definitely change before I get around the block. The cannery is shut down now that cod season is finished and the eagles have thinned out, poor birds out having to feed themselves for a few weeks. The sun doesn't set right now till after 10 pm and I have seen a couple of great sunsets and even made it to the bluffs Easter morning to view a spectacular sunrise. I've been cooped up in the apartment all day, another windy, raining sideways blistery I cleaned, did laundry, read, cooked and even played tennis, boxing, and bowling on my Wii I brought with me. I am so ready to get out and walk, one day without and I am missing it like crazy.