Tuesday, April 28, 2009

When you can't see the forest through the trees

Well, there isn't any forest here, very few trees as a matter of fact, but there are plenty of mountains. The first pic is the view out my kitchen window on nice days. For the last 3 days, fog and rain have obstructed my view and brought my walks to a screeching halt. I KNOW the mountains are out there, I just can't see them. I bravely geared up and walked home (all 4 minutes worth) from the clinic in the rain just to say I got outside today. Umbrellas are unheard of here, they would be ripped inside out and blown to the next island before you could get the thing open.

I recertified for CPR today and saw a whopping 3 patients. Even they don't come out for appointments when the weather is bad. Ate lunch again at Trident and I need to stop this if I am not going to walk...too much food and not enough exercise gets all of us in trouble. I was told in some cultures here in Alaska "large" women were an outward sign that the husband is prosperous, a good provider/hunter for his family. Personally, I would like my "good provider/ hunter" to buy me a new car or a new couch as an outward sign of prosperity rather than size XXL britches.

Hey Mandie, if I keep eating and not walking, will you help me hem these stray britches I found in the apartment?