Monday, June 8, 2009

The Salmon are coming! The Salmon are coming!

They are finally here! Salmon started coming in last night and there seems to be a steady stream of boats, all shapes and sizes, unloading at the harbor. The salmon is crated into respective bins and immediately transferred inside at Trident, where it is processed and packed. I am learning, slowly but surely, there are more than one type of salmon and any good fisherman knows them all by their tails.
Tonight, I watched as Pink, King, and Chum were unloaded and what I thought was a good catch, appeared to be less than minimal by someone elses standards. These fish looked huge, able to feed a family of eight and the comments were: "crappy Chum", "Kings are too big", "need more Pink". To me it looked like Wild Alaska Salmon harvest, but not to the REAL fisherman.
I have also learned there is a difference between a boat versus a tender; that a skiff is not a boat and a ski boat is not a ski boat here but a motorized boat. Let's see if I get this straight......They all have motors, they all float, they are all used to catch fish, so yep, if it looks like a boat and floats like a boat, most likely it is a boat.