Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gone to the Beach

Well, not exactly Hawaii or Aruba, but even a trip to Sand Dollar Beach is a welcome trip these days. The wind and rain have not stopped for over a month now and today, regardless of that minor inconvenience, I packed up and headed out. I've been using the treadmill for exercise but there is something about the fresh air and the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks that lured me out. The trail was a mudslide and a challenge getting down there and the rain tried its best to keep me back. But full steam ahead and again, the Aleutian blue did not disappoint.

As soon as I topped the edge overlooking the low tide, the rain stopped, the sun came out and I almost ran down the last hill to the beach. I just stood there and let the breeze hit me and I felt like I was visiting a good friend and I had missed them dearly.
The mist floated by and left me to explore the beach, to look for shells or treasures and just recharge my senses.

The tide was out and a few water ripples were just too enticing to pass up with the camera. I immediately found petrified wood and added them to the pack. Today I even left a little room in the pack in anticipation I would find something...remembering from times past......I have to carry out by myself what I think are unforgettable finds.

Danger Point doesn't look so dangerous from this vantage point and the blue sky mixed with fierce winds made it look ruggedly beautiful as usual.
Not exactly what you would think when conjuring up images of heading to beach, but here it's give and take. The weather gives a little and I take advantage of the opportunity and head out to do a few of my favorite things....picking up a few rocks and leaving a few dreams and prayers.