Saturday, January 2, 2010

Blue Moon over the Aleutians

I love full moons. Today was one of my most memorable adventures to date I think. I got out before the island even woke today and went to the beach to watch this once in my lifetime phenomena. The "blue full moon" that occurs once every 29 years. I don't ever remember of hearing of it before, but since this one was the second full moon this month and it fell on New Year's Eve, it was quite special.

It was a still, crisp 32 degrees as I left and crawled down to the beach in a friends truck. The roads sparkled with frost and ice and the last place I wanted to watch this event from was a ditch. But, I made it and was thrilled to be the only crazy one out for this reason. The beach was dark, deserted but so peaceful. Very little breeze and the ocean smelled so fresh. I couldn't make much out at first other than the moon reflecting off the water. But as the sun was rising behind me, the moon was setting before me and everything had this cool blue cast to it.
As it got a little lighter, I could make out the old pier posts and perched on top was a bald eagle. Every now and again it would call out with a high delicate screech, not shrill at all. Soon, I saw another fly in and perch on the pole next to the other. Now this was quite a sight as I walked the beach, these pair watching me watch them and the moon.

I hung around and took almost a hundred shots with both cameras and this proves I am not a professional photographer, because less than 10 turned out as good as I imagined. Oh well, it was so worth the trip and the experience.

The two eagles stayed on their perch and I walked up and down the beach as the rest of the island woke to the New Year. The outline of the mountains on the mainland appeared and I could tell the sun was coming up, casting a pink color to the snow capped range.

From where I was walking, I could just barely see over Unga and I could make out Pavlof and the Sister volcano shining in the rising light. I knew I had a great day ahead of me and so I headed back to the house, loaded my gear and headed for the other side of the island. Buffalo Ridge here I come. If the weather was going to be this pristine on New Years Day, there was no other place I could imagine spending the day, than out exploring this beautiful Aleutian place.